Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy of FOTROS Journal

Preamble FOTROS Journal, dedicated to the scholarly pursuit of Islamic studies and classical literature, upholds the highest ethical standards to ensure the integrity, transparency, and academic excellence of its publications.

Ethical Principles

  • Authenticity: We commit to the publication of authentic scholarship, where originality and honesty are paramount.
  • Respect for Intellectual Property: We rigorously protect and credit the intellectual property rights of authors and researchers.
  • Confidentiality: We maintain the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts and the anonymity of reviewers during the peer-review process.
  • Impartiality: We ensure that all submissions are evaluated on their scholarly merits without discrimination based on race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
  • Accountability: We hold our editorial board, reviewers, and authors accountable for the content we publish, ensuring that it aligns with the scholarly and ethical standards of the field.

Repository Policy

Fotros Journal encourages the dissemination of research and allows authors to deposit various versions of their work in institutional or other repositories without embargo. The policy is as follows:

1. Submitted Version: Authors can deposit the original submitted manuscript in any repository immediately upon submission.
2. Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript): Authors can deposit the peer-reviewed, accepted manuscript in any repository immediately after acceptance.
3. Published Version (Version of Record): Authors can deposit the final published version (PDF) in any repository immediately upon publication.

For any specific queries, please get in touch with the editorial office.

Publication Policy

  • Peer Review: All submissions undergo a stringent, double-blind peer review to uphold the scholarly merit and quality of the research.
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any relationships or interests that could influence the objectivity of the publication.
  • Corrections and Retractions: We are committed to taking prompt action to correct errors and, if necessary, retract publications that are proven to be ethically flawed or compromised.
  • Archiving and Access: FOTROS Journal ensures the preservation of published work and provides open access to its content for the benefit of the global scholarly community.
  • Ethical Oversight: We adhere to the ethical guidelines provided by reputable academic bodies and expect our contributors to comply with these standards in their research and writing.

Compliance with Islamic Ethical Standards

  • Respect for Tradition: In keeping with the journal’s focus, we pay particular respect to the ethical standards derived from Islamic tradition and scholarship.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: We approach Islamic studies and classical literature with cultural sensitivity and an appreciation for the historical context of the works.


  • Monitoring: The editorial board actively monitors compliance with these ethical principles.
  • Education: We educate our contributors about ethical conduct in research and publication.
  • Sanctions: In cases of proven ethical misconduct, FOTROS Journal may impose sanctions, including but not limited to the refusal of future submissions from the offending party.

This document outlines the ethical framework and publication policy of FOTROS Journal. It is designed to reflect the journal’s commitment to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical conduct, particularly in the fields of Islamic studies and classical literature. It should be reviewed and, if necessary, adapted to ensure compliance with the latest ethical standards and practices in scholarly publishing.