Archiving Policy

Archiving Policy for FOTROS Journal

FOTROS Journal, a scholarly publication dedicated to Islamic studies and classical literature, is committed to the preservation and enduring accessibility of its academic contributions. The following policy outlines our archiving strategy, ensuring the longevity and integrity of the knowledge we disseminate.

  1. Digital Preservation: All articles and issues of FOTROS Journal will be digitally archived in multiple formats to prevent data loss due to technological obsolescence.

  2. Institutional Repositories: We will collaborate with renowned academic institutions to deposit copies of our publications in their institutional repositories, thus guaranteeing wider accessibility and preservation.

  3. Long-Term Access: FOTROS Journal will ensure that all published content remains accessible to the scholarly community, without any embargo periods, via our online platform.

  4. Backup and Redundancy: Regular backups will be performed, and redundant storage solutions will be employed to safeguard against accidental data loss.

  5. Indexing Services: Our content will be indexed in leading academic databases and indexing services, which also serve as additional archiving avenues.

  6. Print Archives: Select volumes of FOTROS Journal will be available in print and stored in major libraries around the world, providing a physical archival record.

  7. Access Rights: The journal will maintain open access to its archives, upholding the principles of free and unimpeded dissemination of scholarly research.

  8. Citation and Permanence: Each article will be assigned a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to ensure ease of citation and permanence in the academic record.

  9. Compliance with Standards: The archiving policy will adhere to international standards and best practices for digital preservation and archiving.

  10. Regular Audits: The archiving process will be subject to regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance with our high standards and to implement improvements as technology evolves.

By implementing these measures, FOTROS Journal affirms its dedication to the stewardship of scholarly works, ensuring they remain a valuable resource for future generations of researchers and scholars.

This policy is crafted with professional vocabulary and high standards, reflecting the journal’s commitment to the preservation of scholarly work in the fields of Islamic studies and classical literature.