Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism Policy for FOTROS Journal

FOTROS Journal upholds the sanctity of academic integrity and rigorously enforces a stringent anti-plagiarism stance. This policy delineates our uncompromising position on plagiarism and the meticulous measures we undertake to ensure the authenticity and originality of scholarly content disseminated through our publication.

Definition and Scope of Plagiarism

Plagiarism constitutes the appropriation of another individual’s intellectual property — including but not limited to words, ideas, or data — and the presentation thereof as one’s original scholarly work without proper attribution. This malpractice is antithetical to the ethos of scholarly discourse and is categorically prohibited.

Manifestations of Plagiarism

  • Verbatim Plagiarism: The transcription of work from another source without attribution and the use of quotation marks.
  • Auto-Plagiarism: The submission of one’s previously published work as if it were new, without citation or acknowledgment of the source.
  • Synthetic Plagiarism: The amalgamation of content from diverse sources into a new composite work without proper citation.
  • Inadvertent Plagiarism: The failure to properly cite sources due to negligence or misunderstanding of citation protocols.

Preventative Measures

  • Authors are mandated to scrupulously cite sources and ensure comprehensive acknowledgment of all referenced material.
  • Submissions to FOTROS Journal will be subjected to rigorous scrutiny using advanced plagiarism detection software to ascertain originality.

Consequences of Plagiarism

  • Detection of plagiarism before publication will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript.
  • Post-publication discovery of plagiarism will lead to retraction of the article and possible sanctions against the author(s).
  • Authors implicated in plagiarism may face a prohibition on future submissions to the FOTROS Journal.

Reporting Mechanism

  • Allegations of plagiarism within published articles should be directed to the editorial office, accompanied by substantiated evidence.

Authorial Responsibility

  • Authors bear the onus of ensuring the genuineness of their work and the proper accreditation of prior publications.
  • Authors must disclose any potential redundancy with previously published works or concurrent submissions to other periodicals.