Information For Authors

Information for Authors - FOTROS Journal

As a scholarly platform at the forefront of Islamic studies and classical literature, FOTROS Journal invites contributions that resonate with our dedication to academic excellence and intellectual depth. We encourage prospective authors to engage with the following guidelines:

  1. Familiarization: Before submission, authors are advised to acquaint themselves with the journal’s thematic scope by reviewing the ‘About the Journal’ page, which delineates our section policies and scholarly ethos.

  2. Author Guidelines: Rigorous adherence to our Author Guidelines is imperative. These guidelines detail the manuscript preparation, citation style, and ethical considerations integral to our publication process.

  3. Registration: Authors must register with FOTROS Journal to initiate the submission process. If you are already registered, you may log in to proceed.

  4. Submission Process: The submission journey comprises a five-step process, designed to be both comprehensive and user-friendly, ensuring clarity and precision at each stage.

  5. Peer Review: Submissions are subject to a stringent peer-review process, conducted by distinguished scholars, to uphold the integrity and quality of the research we publish.

  6. Publication Ethics: FOTROS Journal is committed to the highest ethical standards in academic publishing. We expect all authors to comply with ethical norms in research and writing.

  7. Open Access: In alignment with our vision for accessible scholarship, all published articles will be freely available under an open-access model, fostering a wider dissemination of knowledge.

We look forward to your valuable contributions that will enrich Islamic studies and classical literature discourse. For any inquiries or assistance during the submission process, please do not hesitate to contact the editorial team.