Information For Readers

Information for Readers - FOTROS Journal

FOTROS Journal, a distinguished publication in the fields of Islamic studies and classical literature, extends a warm invitation to our readership to become an integral part of our academic community. We offer the following guidance to our esteemed readers:

  1. Subscription to Notifications: We encourage readers to subscribe to our publishing notification service. By registering via the link at the top of the journal’s homepage, readers will receive the Table of Contents via email for each new issue of the journal.

  2. Engagement and Support: Your registration not only keeps you informed but also signifies your support for the journal’s mission. It contributes to our understanding of the level of readership and engagement we are achieving.

  3. Privacy Assurance: FOTROS Journal is steadfast in its commitment to privacy. Please refer to our Privacy Statement for the assurance that your personal information, such as names and email addresses, will be strictly used for journal-related purposes only.

  4. Interactive Platform: We encourage readers to utilize the interactive features of our online platform, including commenting on articles and participating in scholarly discussions.

  5. Access to Archives: Readers have unrestricted access to our extensive archives, which house a treasure trove of scholarly articles and literary works.

  6. Contribution to Scholarship: We invite readers to contribute to the journal’s growth by sharing articles within their academic networks, thereby enhancing the reach and impact of our authors’ work.

We value the intellectual curiosity and scholarly engagement of our readers, and we are dedicated to providing you with content that not only informs but also inspires. Join us in the pursuit of knowledge and the celebration of the rich heritage of Islamic and classical literature.