Information For Librarians

Information for Librarians - FOTROS Journal

FOTROS Journal, an esteemed publication in the scholarly fields of Islamic studies and classical literature, invites librarians to partner in our educational mission. We offer the following information to assist librarians in integrating our journal into their collections:

  1. Electronic Journal Holdings: We encourage research librarians to include FOTROS Journal in their library’s electronic journal holdings, thereby enriching their repository with high-caliber scholarly works.

  2. Open-Source Publishing System: FOTROS Journal utilizes an open-source publishing system, which is optimally suited for libraries to host. This system supports faculty members in their editorial endeavors with journals they are involved in.

  3. Cataloging and Accessibility: Our commitment to accessibility is reflected in our cataloging practices, ensuring that FOTROS Journal is easily discoverable within library systems.

  4. Archival Stability: We guarantee the archival stability of our publications, preserving the integrity of works for future academic inquiry and reference.

  5. Support for Scholarly Communication: By listing FOTROS Journal, libraries affirm their role in the vital cycle of scholarly communication, facilitating the dissemination and exchange of knowledge.

  6. Open Journal Systems: We recommend exploring Open Journal Systems (OJS) for an efficient and collaborative approach to journal management and publishing.

We value the pivotal role librarians play in the academic ecosystem and are dedicated to providing support and resources to ensure the seamless integration of FOTROS Journal into library collections.